by Personality Expert,
Dawn Billings
Positive Poems
for Children
Positive Poems
for Children
I Refuse to Be Common by Dawn Billings
I refuse to be common, to follow the crowd.
I stand for my dreams, undaunted, and proud.
I am willing to act, with courage and thought.
Daring to do what others will not.
I inspire greatness, and fight to succeed.
“Never, Never Give Up” I commit as my creed.
I boldly travel the higher road, and with grace
bear the burden of the heavier load.
I soar with the eagles, and strive for the best.
My heart grows stronger
with each challenge and test.
I work without end, until I achieve
my dreams of success, in which I believe.
Each time I stumble, with haste I stand.
With faith I reach to touch God’s hand.Through courage I do, what needs to be done
as my dreams and reality, merge into one.
Have I told you lately? by Dawn Billings
Have I told you lately, I respect you?
Have I told you, You inspire my life?
Have I shared that you ease my burden
as I face my struggles,
my pain, my strife.
Have I told you lately, You’re special.
You brighten up my day.
Have I told you that I am thankful
for all you do and say?
Have I told you lately, I’m great-full
for all you so freely give.
It’s your kindness and care
that teach me each day,
a better way to live.
Purpose and Possibility by Dawn Billings
It is up to me to choose the way my life will be.
I can choose to know my purpose and possibility.
I can shake off limitations
and leave them in the dust.
and connect with my potential
and leave my fears to rust.
I can dream my greatest dreams
and with action give them life.
and appreciate each moment
and let go of fear and strife.
I can build strong lasting friendships
and learn the art of love.
I can stretch myself to the highest heights,
and reach for stars above.
I can do anything I dream of.
My life is up to me.
So now the only question is
“What will I choose to be?”
What Have You Got to Give? by Dawn Billings
I awoke one day startled, from a dream that was so fine.
A dream about a great life,
a dream that could be mine.
A dream that insisted I be my best
in all I say and do.
A dream that freely gave itself
as a gift to me and you.
A dream that taught me of
"gifts that count"
and the best way in which to live.
A dream that asked
but one question,
"What Have You
Got to Give?"
Reach for the Stars by Dawn Billings
Reach for the stars and along you way
encourage others by what you say.
Live Big! Live Brave!
Live your purpose full out;
Know what you want and what you’re about.
Have direction and goals that are larger than life;
With courage stand tall to face fear and strife.
Give all that you’ve got, and then give some more
Say grace for the family and friends you adore.
Never give up or settle for less:
For whatever you dream you shall possess.
Take nothing for granted, be ready to win;
Set your sights high, take action, begin.
Before you know it, because of your stand;
You’ll awaken one day, with a star in your hand.
Pick JOY instead by Dawn Billings
There once was a boy who had no joy
for he lived a serious life.
He wanted to play and laugh
all the way
but was bogged down
with gloom and strife.
Along came JOY and said to the boy,
"Hey boy, pick me instead."
He said "I can't, there's a frown
on my face and JOY said,
"Then, stand on your head."
For we find that joy's a decision
we choose to smile or frown.
So whenever you find a
frown on your face,
Go ahead, turn it upside down.
The Truest Gifts by Dawn Billings
The truest gifts come
from deep within,
They cannot be
bought with gold.
The truest gifts come
from deep within,
where we cherish
new friends
and treasure the old.
For friends are treasures
beyond compare,
we are rich with just a few.
And friends are the ones
whose courage lasts
when lesser men are through.
The truest gifts come
from deep within,
they cannot
be stolen by thieves.
For the greatest burdens
find rest with with a friend,
and our greatest fears relieved.
Integrity Pledge by Dawn Billings
I swear to tell the truth,
complete, and full, and whole,
and nothing but the truth I'll tell
I swear upon my soul.
For if I choose to lie to you
my word will nothing be,
I swear to tell the truth, and now
please pledge your word to me.
Every Child has a Job by Dawn Billings
Every child has a job
to run, grow and play
and to learn about others along the way.
For as humans it is together,
we love, thrive and live;
we care, share, receive,
and also must give.
For people with family and friends
are stronger,
and science tells us
we even live longer.
So part of the way I best care for me,
is to be kind and contribute
to friends and family.
Little Eyes Upon You, author unknown
There are little eyes upon you,
And they are watching night and day;
There are little ears that quickly
take in every word you say;
There are little hands all eager
to do everything you do,
And a little child who's dreaming
of the day he'll be like you.
You're the little child's idol,
you're the wisest of the wise,
In his little mind about you,
no suspicions ever rise;
He believes in you devoutly, holds all you say and do;
He will say and do in your way
when he's grown up to be like you.
There's a wide eyed little child who believes you're always right,
And his ears are always open and he watches day and night;
You are setting an example everyday in all you do
For the little child who's waiting to grow up to be like you.